July 1–4, Menlo Park, California
Hospitality & Travel
Travel Options
By Car
The conference takes place at
St. Patrick’s Seminary
320 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, California.
Ample on-site parking is available for attendees, and drop-off in the front of the building via Uber/Lyft/taxi is convenient.
By Air
Attendees traveling to the conference by air would find flying into San Francisco (SFO) or San Jose (SJC) most convenient.
Travel to the seminary from the airport is most accessible via Uber or Lyft. Local taxis are also available at the airport, but are more costly.
Because of its distance from the seminary, especially with traffic, an Uber/Lyft from OAK (Oakland) will be more expensive than other airports.
By Train
Attendees may elect to take public transportation from SFO or SJC airports to the
Menlo Park Caltrain Station.
If choosing this option, please use the Caltrain trip planner and note that the Menlo Park Station is a 1.3-mile walk to the seminary, such that local transportation via Uber or Lyft from the station to the seminary is recommended.
Registrants are responsible for booking their own lodging. Attendees are encouraged to use travel search engines to find deals on hotel rooms or other rental sites like VRBO and Airbnb.
For those on a tight budget, there are many affordable options available in nearby Redwood City; staying in Redwood City and getting an Uber/Lyft to the seminary from there is much less expensive than renting a car and staying nearby.
We encourage you to look especially at the following nearby hotels featuring these rates offered for conference attendees. The locations listed here are not walkable to the seminary, so participants could consider car rental, or an Uber ride (12–15 minutes, $13–$15) to the seminary.
Discounted rates listed here will disappear by June 1st, 2025, so be sure to book early.
2650 El Camino Real, Redwood City | +1(650)549-7720
$120/night + taxes
Mention the rate “LKMS” via phone to get this rate.
2834 El Camino Real, Redwood City | +1(650)366-2000 or email to mack@athertonparkinn.com
$159/night + tax
When calling, please reference the “St. Patrick Seminary Group” code to secure the special rate.
25 5th Ave., Redwood City | +1(650)366-5794
Call the hotel directly and make a reservation asking for “the manager’s special,” which is a 15% discount on the rate ($289 + tax). Room rates increase as the reservation date approaches, so the best deals are to be found with early reservations.
485 Veterans Blvd, Redwood City | +1(650)365-5500
Great rates are available on this simple and affordable hotel directly from the website or through other booking apps. The rate includes a 10% discount on breakfast at a restaurant nearby.
The following meals are included with registration:
- Opening evening reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres, Tuesday, July 1st
- Lunch, Wednesday, July 2nd
- Lunch, Thursday, July 3rd
- Evening social with heavy hors d’oeuvres, Thursday, July 3rd
- Lunch, Friday, July 4th
- Coffee breaks throughout the day
NB: We are generally UNABLE to accommodate food sensitivities and allergies.
For dinners not included in the conference schedule, we recommend the restaurants in downtown Menlo Park, which offer a wonderful range of cuisines, dining experiences, and prices. In the days leading up to the conference, we will send an email to connect those who wish to arrange restaurant meals with other participants, especially on Wednesday and Friday nights of the conference.
For those on a tight budget, we recommend Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria, Celia’s Mexican Restaurant, Jeffrey’s Hamburgers, Cook’s Seafood, Mountain Mike’s Pizza, Guapa’s Mexican Grill, or picking up something from downtown Menlo Park’s Trader Joe’s. For those looking for walkability, nearby Willow Market has a great selection of groceries and excellent bbq.
Secure Your Spot Today!
Don’t miss the opportunity to deepen your faith, enrich your spiritual life, and increase your understanding and appreciation of the Church’s sacred liturgy. Register now to secure your place at the Fons et Culmen Sacred Liturgy Summit.