Tuesday, July 1st

Pre-Summit Activities

Join us for an optional pre-summit activity by adding it on to your conference registration.

Forum on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Music, & Catholic Identity in Education

Bus Tour of Catholic San Francisco

The Sacred Liturgy and Contemplation

Tuesday, July 1st, 1:00–3:15 p.m.

Forum on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Music, & Catholic Identity in Education

For those clergy, administrators, faculty, and parents involved in Catholic education, the Cardinal Newman Society is offering a pre-Summit forum to discuss Catholic identity in education, especially as it relates to the celebration of the sacred liturgy and Catholic teachings on sacred music.

This forum is free of charge, but requires pre-registration via the main Summit registration portal.

Tuesday, July 1st, 10:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m.

Bus Tour of Catholic San Francisco

Alex Begin (Host, Extraordinary Faith), an aficionado of the most beautiful churches in San Francisco, will take tour participants to not-to-be-missed, spectacularly beautiful churches in downtown San Francisco. The bus tour includes a boxed lunch and departs from the seminary at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 1st.

The optional add-on for the tour is $65 and requires pre-registration via the main Summit registration portal.

Tuesday, July 1st, 1:00–3:15 p.m.

The Sacred Liturgy & Contemplation

Join Dr. Anthony Lilles and the Avila Institute for a series of guided reflections on works from the Church’s treasury of spiritual theology from the Fathers, Doctors, Saints, and Mystics of the Church that focus on the sacred liturgy and contemplation of Divine mysteries.

This session is free of charge, but requires pre-registration via the main Summit registration portal.

Join Us at the Summit

Don’t miss the opportunity to deepen your faith, enrich your spiritual life, and increase your understanding and appreciation of the Church’s sacred liturgy. Register now to secure your place at the Fons et Culmen Sacred Liturgy Summit.